The Remnants

“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them!
For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

The Remnants is an initiative to encourage young generation to come closer to God through live worship. This is not a talent show, so anyone with an heart to worship the Lord Almighty in spirit and in truth is welcome to participate. 

The idea behind this initiative is to cultivate the attitude of worship amongst the young generation through the Love of God.

The participants [2nd October]

Nathaniel Jeshwaran

Gabriella Jennifer

Rony Jovan. S

Reya Jelin Samuel

Israel Promise

Oli Jasmine

Paul Santosh

Paul Santhosh

Sarah Lavina

Sarah Lavina

Hannah Jenita

Johnsa Chodagiri​​

Sam Bryan



Abhishek Moses

Aron Moses



Juan Basil Matthias


Ryan J.Ebenezar



The Schedule

When ?

1st Saturday - Every month -17:00 Hrs [IST]

Where ?

Over Zoom communication
Register to get meeting ID