The beginning

From where to where

This was during our initial stage of ministry, during the year 2007. We were associated with a ministry called “Jesus the Lord” headed by Bro. John Prabhakaran. God took us through wide range of experience all through the journey with Bro. John and his ministry.

There were ups and downs, low and high but what encouraged us the most was in every situation God was with us, protecting, providing, guiding and loving us.

Andhra Pradesh was new to us, we never knew the native language [Telugu]. It was a new experience, travelling all the way from Tamil Nadu [Chennai] to Andhra Pradesh by car. Little that we knew that God will take us to this land years later to preach His good news, intercede for multitudes and lift up His name.

God according to His Devine plan brought us to our promise land, Andhra Pradesh; now known as Telangana in the year 2011. Lot of things happened in these years, uncontainable testimonies.  

Ever since then God used us in various parts of India and also Colombo, Srilanka. There was break in the year 2009, where God wanted me to rejoin corporate and Bro. John graciously allowed me to depart and be obedient to God’s plan. 

Bro  John and his wife Angel continued to pray for us and it so happened that I was offered a transfer to Hyderabad in the year 2011 by the corporate company. Although I wasn’t in full time ministry in those 2years, God was using me unceasing. 

Even though I left God’s presence for a brief moment, His unconditional love brought me back to His sweet presence. Now by His Grace we as a family serve the Lord Almighty, in Spirit and in Truth.